"L'Infante Ghost"

"L'Infante Ghost"

Monday, July 5, 2010

Post 9:Ninja Stuff

Princess Gaga has been interested in Ninja stories, and started writing her own in Creative Writing Camp at UAB the other week. So far, that's what we have:

"Escape the Fate"

Where is it?” she searched frantically, looking in her empty cabinet drawers, pulling them out one by one. She knocked over the Japanese rag doll her grandmother gave her, that sat on top of her dresser. Noni felt a sharp jab after looking in the bottom right cabinet. “Ouch!” she yelped, putting her non-bleeding hand over her mouth, trying not to make a sound.

The cold winter air rushed through Noni’s shirt. Shivering, she pulled on her sweater to keep herself warm. Still shivering a little, Noni ran into the darkness all alone, with only a bag full of clothes and weapons, and with the money in her pocket. The only thing that separated her from this town and a new life was the railroad tracks. The train got closer and closer, finally close enough for her to jump, to escape her problems once and for all. As she leapt in the air, one of her feet touched the rough bank at the back of the train. The other one slipped right from under her, which made her fall only holding on to the rail with one hand. If she let go, she’d be badly hurt. Still dangling, Noni tried with all her strength and thought, Come on I can do it. She finally hoisted herself up. Standing tall, she held her head up high looking at the memories she left behind.

Noni was a tough teenage girl with cold blue eyes that burned as if they glared at you. She had long jet black hair that was lost in the darkness. The reason Noni left her hometown in Tokyo was that she no longer belonged in her family for all the pain she had caused her parents by getting into fights, almost getting stabbed, and being so cold after Tack left her.

Now she left as memories she will try now to remember. For now her mission is to go to Taiwan to become a better ninja fighter, which most girls were not capable of doing. But Noni is like no other girl. She could kill anyone with a knife in her hand and a flick of her wrist or by cutting you with her knife.

Noni sat on the train floor shivering. She took out another sweater to keep her warm, pulled it on and hugged herself to keep every last inch of body heat. I wish I still had Tack here with me. Suddenly she heard a thump thump. Noni reached over to get her switch blade. Suddenly she saw a tall dark hair boy about her age or older. He had pretty long jet black hair, enormous gray eyes, and thin features yet had a six pack. Noni slowly moved back to get ready to defend herself.

Hello, um,” said the squirming boy, avoiding eye contact with Noni.

Who are you and what are you doing here?” demanded Noni, her fierce eyes glaring at him. The boy didn’t answer and looked away from Noni’s direction. Noni just stared at the boy more intensely. He finally gave in and said in a timid voice

My name is Umasi, and I’m here because my family doesn’t get me. So I decided to run away, to become a better ninja than I was before.” Umasi exclaimed at her,finally, looking at Noni face to face.

"Well, I see we both have the same reason to run away "Umasi," Noni replied as she looked Umasi up and down, like she would examine her next victim. She slowly tried to calculate all the moves she might need to use on him if he wasn't who he said he was. Noni quickly hid her switch blade in her pocket, trying not to alarm Umasi.

ss "So why exactly did you run away for? Excuse me but I don't think I caught your name." Umasi said more confidently, all the shyness that he had just a couple of seconds ago disappearing. As Noni tried to process her answer, Umasi sat down on the floor just a couple of feet away from Noni. Noni saw Umasi sit close to her, she felt uncomfortable because of his closeness, so she decided to stand and pace as the train moved smoothly on the train tracks. To be continued...

Grandpa Gaga thought may be we should start working on the book cover...So he ordered some of that neat Ninja stuff he always wanted to play with... Princess Gaga particularly loves the Samurai Sword and wants to hang it in her room... I printed a target, and she practiced all night shooting Ninja Stars...

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