"L'Infante Ghost"

"L'Infante Ghost"

Monday, July 5, 2010

Post 10:Princess Gaga as Lady Gaga

Princess Gaga turned her Grandpa onto the stylish new Lady Gaga video "Alejandro" after watching a rerun of the interesting Larry King interview. It is too long, the middle part doesn't belong, the music is ordinary and the lyrics repetitive. It seems like she could have written something really special for the extraordinarily beautiful images shot by photographer Klein. Anyhow, it is flawed and might shock you, be warned, but it is worth taking a look at it in 1080p on her web site ladygaga.com . I think Bunuel and Dali would have loved it. Actually, the closing images are straight out of Bunuel's Viridiana, which in his own time was a most controversial flick banned by the catholic church and Franco for years...Rent it from Netflix if you get a chance...
We are hoping our old friend Uncle Gaga will make for Princess Gaga an even more gaga version of the famous black garbage bag evening dress he made many years ago for Grandma Gaga to wear at the Apollo Ball...

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