"L'Infante Ghost"

"L'Infante Ghost"

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Post 6: Princess Gaga as "The Shamaness"

I Grandpa Gaga got up bright and early this Sunday morning and started playing by myself, since Princess Gaga was sleeping late for the last time this week. She is starting the "Art of Writing" Camp at UAB's Red Mountain Writing Project to morrow morning and will be writing more poetry and song lyrics all week...
I used the same old dress form, but instead of adding objects in Photoshop, I actually dressed it up as a Shamaness this time, using all the tribal artifacts collected over our years of traveling across India, Burma, China, Bali. I dropped in one of Anay's faces from the early tests to get an idea, but we will be shooting new faces and arms to morrow after class. To see a large version of it, click here.

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