"L'Infante Ghost"

"L'Infante Ghost"

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Post 5: "Les Deux Infantes Ghosts"

After an afternoon in Photoshop and using my stock of images of objects from around the house, the Infantes have taken shape. Of course, both Anay and I prefer the more monochromatic and ghostly version. Click here. What do you think?
Is it not a bit of a visual for the poem Anay wrote last week at the Red Mountain Writing Project Camp at UAB:

I know I am not alone
surrounds me
yet I am not alone.
For here are my friends to heal
my new cold wounds.
The love I've lost,
the bad things in my life.
They sometimes make it worse,
by making me realize my own true mistakes.
Yet I should know I am loved by the ones who care for me.
Still, it is not enough.
I want to be loved, hugged, and so much more...
Forever more I will always need them...

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